עדשות מגע יומיות עם צלינדר

עדשות מגע יומיות עם צלינדר

יש עדשות מגע יומיות עם צלינדר!
כיום ניתן להשיג עדשות מגע יומיות עם צלינדר בטווח מרשמים גדול במיוחד, שמתאים ל90% מהמקרים של מרשם עם צלינדר, עם פרמטרים שונים וממספר יצרנים מובילים. המשך…


A contact lens (also known simply as a contact) is a corrective, cosmetic, or therapeutic lens usually placed on the cornea of the eye. Leonardo da Vinci is credited with describing and sketching the first ideas for contact lenses in 1508[citation needed], but it was more than 300 years later before contact lenses were actually fabricated and worn on the eye. Modern soft contact lenses were invented by the Czech chemist Otto Wichterle and his assistant Drahoslav Lím, who also invented the first gel used for their production.
Contact lenses are tinted a faint blue to make them more visible when immersed in cleaning and storage solutions. Some cosmetic lenses are deliberately colored to alter the appearance of the eye. Some lenses now have a thin surface treatment which is a UV coating; this helps to reduce UV damage to the eye's natural lens.[1] המשך…

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